November 30, 2021 to December 2, 2021
Le Bois-Marie
Europe/Paris timezone

On the Solutions of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Differential Equations by Noncommutative Picard-Vessiot Theory (in person)

Dec 2, 2021, 4:00 PM
Centre de conférences Marilyn et James Simons (Le Bois-Marie)

Centre de conférences Marilyn et James Simons

Le Bois-Marie

35, route de Chartres 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette


Vincel Hoang Ngoc Minh (LIPN, Paris-North University)


In this talk, basing on the algebraic combinatorics on noncommutative formal power series with holomorphic coefficients and, on the other hand, a Picard-Vessiot theory of noncommutative differential equations, we give a recursive construction of solutions of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations satisfying asymptotic conditions.

Presentation materials