1–4 sept. 2015
Angers - France
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Recent development in martingale optimal transport

3 sept. 2015, 09:00
Angers - France

Angers - France


Prof. Nizar Touzi (Ecole Polytechnique)


We study the optimal transport between two probability measures on the real line, where the transport plans are laws of one-step martingales. A quasi-sure formulation of the dual problem is introduced and shown to yield a complete duality theory for general marginals and measurable reward (cost) functions: absence of a duality gap and existence of dual optimizers. Both properties are shown to fail in the classical formulation. As a consequence of the duality result, we obtain a general principle of cyclical monotonicity describing the geometry of optimal transports.

Auteur principal

Prof. Nizar Touzi (Ecole Polytechnique)

Documents de présentation