Documents de présentation
The open question of whether a black hole can become tidally deformed by an external gravitational field has profound implications for fundamental physics, astrophysics and gravitational-wave astronomy. Love tensors characterize the tidal deformability of compact objects such as astrophysical (Kerr) black holes under an external static tidal field. We prove that all Love tensors vanish...
The three body-problem, even in the simple Newtonian case, exhibits very rich dynamical behaviors. The study of a hierachical configuration, in which a close inner binary is orbited by a distant perturber, has been initiated by Lidov and Kozai in the 60's. The eccentricity oscillations that they discovered is particularly relevant to gravitational wave astronomy. On the other hand, several...
We derive the static Schwarzschild-Tangherlini metric by extracting the classical contributions from the multiloop vertex functions of a graviton emitted from a massive scalar field. At each loop order the classical contribution is proportional to a unique master integral given by the massless sunset integral. By computing the scattering amplitudes up to three-loop order in general dimension,...
We study the gravitational radiation emitted during the scattering of two spinless bodies in the post-Minkowskian Effective Field Theory approach. We derive the conserved stress-energy tensor linearly coupled to gravity and the classical probability amplitude of graviton emission at leading and next-to-leading order in the Newton’s constant