With the recent publication of the second gravitational wave transient catalog by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration (LVC), the number of binary compact object mergers has risen dramatically, from a dozen to ~ 50 events. From these detections, the LVC inferred the merger rate density both in the local Universe and as a function of redshift. It is then of foremost importance to compare the merger rate density predicted with different astrophysical models with the value inferred by LVC. In my talk, I will present a semi-analytic model that evaluates the cosmic merge rate density, by taking into account the cosmic star formation rate density and the metallicity evolution of stars across cosmic time. These are then combined with catalogues of merging compact binaries. I have considered binaries that form in isolation versus dynamical binaries. My results indicate that dynamical binaries are much less sensitive to metallicity than isolated binaries (Santoliquido et al. 2020 - arXiv: 2004.09533). Furthermore, I have explored the impact of various binary evolution processes on the merger rate density. For example, when I vary the common envelope ejection efficiency parameter from