12–13 févr. 2020
Ecole Polytechnique & INRIA
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


Lecture 2

12 févr. 2020, 14:15
Amphi Cauchy / polytechnique (02/12) and Sophie Germain / INRIA Turing (02/13) (Ecole Polytechnique & INRIA)

Amphi Cauchy / polytechnique (02/12) and Sophie Germain / INRIA Turing (02/13)

Ecole Polytechnique & INRIA

-- Amphi Cauchy (Feb 12) is at Ecole polytechnique, see the map of amphis https://gargantua.polytechnique.fr/siatel-web/linkto/mICYYYS)mYZ -- Amphi Sophie-Germain is in the INRIA/LIX Alan Turing Builiding, also on the campus of Ecole polytechnique but with a different building), see https://www.inria.fr/fr/comment-venir-au-centre-inria-saclay-ile-de-france

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