Jan 14 – 18, 2019
Europe/Paris timezone

As part of the European Research Council Starting Grant programme "Quantum Algebraic Structures in Field Theories" (QUASIFT) activities, this conference aims to unite physicists and mathematicians working on non-local aspects and higher structures in quantum field theories.  Through lectures and informal discussion we will further the productive dialogue between experts studying the application of physical concepts in algebraic geometry and homotopy theory, and the appearance of novel algebraic structures in theoretical physics.

Topics of discussion will include structures associated to line and surface operators, boundary conditions and defects, moduli spaces of vacua, the cobordism hypothesis, factorization homology, and the occurrence of E_n, P_n, chiral and other higher structured algebras.

List of speakers:

AYALA David (University of Montana)
BRAVERMAN Alexander (University of Toronto)
BREMBILLA Caroline (Université Paris-Sud)
CALAQUE Damien (Université de Montpellier)
CLIFF Emily (University of Illinois)
GWILLIAM Owen (University of Massachusetts)
HILBURN Justin (University of Pennsylvania)
JORDAN David (University of Edinburgh)
NAWATA Satoshi (Fadan University)
NEKRASOV Nikita (SCGP, Stony Brook)
RAPČÁK Miroslav (Perimeter Institute)
SAFRONOV Pavel (University of Zurich)
SCHEIMBAUER Claudia (NTNU Trondheim)
SOZER Kursat (Indiana University)
WEELINCK Tim (University of Edinburgh)
WILLIAMS Brian (Northeastern University)
YAGI Junya (University of Warsaw)
YOO Philsang (Yale University)



ELLIOTT Christopher (IHES)



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With the support of the European Research Council


Marilyn and James Simons Conference Center
35, route de Chartres 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette (France)