Dec 4 – 6, 2017
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions
Europe/Paris timezone
This meeting is a pre-launch of the French-German-Italian Laboratoire International Associé, named COPDESC, in applied analysis. More precisely, the themes are : Control and Optimization, Nonlinear PDEs, Calculus of Variations, Scientific Computing/ Numerical Analysis. The conference is organized around these four subjects with plenary speakers and thematic sessions, coming from the three partners countries. The scientific coordinators for the three countries are Fatiha Alabau, Peter Benner and Piermarco Cannarsa. Researchers, academics, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows in these fields and related subjects are welcome to attend and register to the conference. The registration is free but mandatory.
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions
Room 309, corridor 15-16, 3rd floor
4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris