May 29, 2017 to June 1, 2017
Le Bois-Marie
Europe/Paris timezone

Organisers: Thibault Damour (IHES), Vasily Pestun (IHES), Eliezer Rabinovici (IHES &  Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem)

The special properties of Black Holes have intrigued researchers for decades. They do signal their existence in nature in several ways including by emitting gravitational waves while merging. Their way of handling information is more elusive. In this workshop we plan to discuss mostly several aspects of this information handling with some emphasis on possible relations it has to the theory of chaos, thermalization and quantum information.

Invited speakers:

     BARBON José (IFT-CSIC, Univ. Autonoma de Madrid)
     BENA Iosif (CEA Saclay)
     CRAPS Ben (Vrije Univ. Brussel)
     DE BOER Jan  (Univ. of Amsterdam)
     FERRARI Frank (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles)
     GIBBONS Gary  (DAMTP, Cambridge Univ.)
     GURAU Razvan (CPHT, Ecole polytechnique)
     KURCHAN Jorge (ENS, Paris)
     MALDACENA Juan (IAS, Princeton)
     PAGE Don N. (Univ. of Alberta, Canada)
     PAPADODIMAS Kyriakos (CERN, Genève)
     RIVASSEAU Vincent (Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay)
     ROSENHAUS Vladimir (UC Santa Barbara)
     SHEPELYANSKY Dima  (Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
     SOLODUKHIN Sergey (Univ. de Tours)
     VENEZIANO Gabriele (CERN, Genève)


Le Bois-Marie
Salle de Conférences Marilyn et James Simons
35, route de Chartres 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette