Marco Vitturi
(Laboratoire Jean Leray, Université de Nantes)
Affine measures have been introduced in the past to facilitate the study of Fourier Restriction and the related question of the L^p smoothing properties of averages along submanifolds (convolution Radon transforms). They capture in a geometric way the role of curvature. In this talk we present the Affine Measures and then discuss the geometric interpretation of these objects - a line of research that started with a result of D. Oberlin relating such measures to a Hausdorff-like ambient measure. We discuss some new results in the same spirit (this is joint work w/ J. Hickman): in particular, we give a geometric interpretation for the case of hypersurfaces with vanishing curvature. If time allows, we discuss how one could move on to study certain non-translation-invariant cases.