May 15 – 17, 2024
Bât. M2, Cité Scientifique, ULille
Europe/Paris timezone

The international conférences "Journées Approximation" in Lille give opportunity for exchanging ideas by french, belgian and other european colleagues working on approximation theory, numerical  linear algebra and their applications. The ja2024 edition will be a two and a half day meeting in May 2024  from Wednesday 15th at 9 a.m. to Friday 17th at 2 p.m. with 40 minutes talks only by invitation. 

There will be also a poster session, please let us know if you want to contribute. ja2024 will also be the 2024 Annual Meeting of the EXPOWER network.

Inscriptions (free but mandatory) are open until April 15, 2024.

Some updated practical informations can be found here. Please find here a Zoom link for the talks of the Journées Approxiation. 

Invited talks are given by

The organization committee


Bât. M2, Cité Scientifique, ULille
Salle de réunion, premier étage
Avenue Carl Gauss, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
Go to map


Registration for this event is currently open.