First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Aabhas | Gulati | Institute de Mathematiques de Toulouse |
Ahmed | SOUABNI | Faculté des sciences de Bizerte |
Andreas | Malliaris | Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse |
Arianna | Piana | Weizmann Institute |
Ayush | Bidlan | S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat |
David | GARCIA ZELADA | Sorbonne Université |
Ena | Jahic | Lund University |
Helene | Götz | TU Dortmund |
Issa-Mbenard | Dabo | IMB |
Jason | Beh | ONERA/ISAE |
Jeong | Yoonje | Seoul National University |
Marwa | Banna | New York University Abu Dhabi |
MICHAIL | LOUVARIS | University Gustave Eiffel |
Michel | Pain | CNRS & Université Toulouse III |
Mondher | Chouikhi | Gabes university |
Panagiotis | Zografos | University of Leipzig |
Peng | TIAN | Université Côte d'Azur |
Ronan | Memin | IMT |
Rémi | Bonnin | ENS Ulm |
Teodor | Bucht | KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Thomas | Buc--d'Alché | UMPA - ENS de Lyon |
Vanessa | Piccolo | ENS Lyon |
Yanxing | Chen | Technical University Munich |
Zikun | Ouyang | Ecole normale supérieure |
Zixin | Ye | The University of Manchester |
15 more participants |
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