Jun 23 – 27, 2025
Institut de Mathématiques
Europe/Paris timezone


The summer school  "Control, Inverse Problems and Spectral Theory" aims to present a current view on these very active topics, through courses that will be given by internationally recognized experts. It will be addressed primarily to master, PhD and post-doctoral students, and to young researchers interested in these issues and willing to understand their connections.


  • Lucie Baudouin -- LAAS Toulouse
        Inverse problems in the wave equation: from stability to parameter reconstruction

  • Lucas Chesnel -- INRIA Saclay, ENSTA Paris
        A few techniques to achieve invisibility in acoustic waveguides

  • David Krejčiřík -- Czech Technical University, Prague
        Spectral geometry: old questions and new answers

  • Frédéric Marbach -- École normale supérieure, Université Paris Sciences et Lettres
         Time Iteration Methods for Controllability


A poster session will be organized for the participants.

This summer school is organized and funded by the MINT Graduate School.

Related conference: the closing conference of the ANR Trecos, "Control of PDEs and related topics," will take place at the Institute of Mathematics the following week. If you are interested, do not hesitate to sign up as well!

Institut de Mathématiques
Amphithéâtre Schwartz
Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier 118 Route de Narbonne Institut de Mathématiques- Bâtiment 1R3 Toulouse
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Registration for this event is currently open.