ALGANT Graduation Days 2016

Université de Bordeaux

Université de Bordeaux


July 18-21, 2016: The University of Bordeaux will host the ALGANT graduation ceremony of the 2014-2016 intake on Wednesday, 20th July

Students will defend their Master thesis on Monday, and Tuesday, 18 - 19th July,.

On this occasion, we will also celebrate the 10th graduation of the ALGANT Master.

ALGANT students, past and present, Thursday, 21st July will be your day, a unique occasion to meet together. There will be discussions, scientific talks, and entertainment.

Mark your calendars!

  ALGANT graduation ceremony 2015


Contact: Deborah Didio



  • Abtien Javanpeykar
  • Aglaia Myropolska
  • Alberto Gioia
  • Alessandro Pezzoni
  • Alessandro Rossetti
  • Alexandre Ramos-Peon
  • Alexey Beshenov
  • Alvise Trevisan
  • Andrea Gagna
  • Andrea Marrama
  • Andrea Pasquali
  • Andrea Siviero
  • Andrii Dmytryshyn
  • Angel Israel Toledo Castro
  • Anna Morra
  • Arno Kret
  • Bart de Smit
  • Bas Edixhoven
  • bruno chiarellotto
  • Can Ozan Oguz
  • Carlo Mazza
  • Catharina Würth
  • Catherine Dreux
  • Christine Bachoc
  • Clara Lacroce
  • Corina Panda
  • Daniele Taufer
  • Dante Bonolis
  • Diana Catalina Ossa Orozco
  • Dino Destefano
  • Dino Festi
  • Edoardo Lanari
  • Esmail Arasteh Rad
  • Federico Bergami
  • Federico Zerbini
  • Francesca Bergamaschi
  • Francesco Mattiello
  • Franco Giovenzana
  • Gabriele Spini
  • Giacomo Simongini
  • Giada Grossi
  • Giovanni De Franceschi
  • giovanni lazzarini
  • Giovanni Rosso
  • Giulio Di Piazza
  • Giulio Orecchia
  • Gregorio Baldi
  • Heer Zhao
  • Ignatius Supriyanto
  • Jacobus (Jack) Wiltjer
  • Jared Guissmo Asuncion
  • Jiacheng XIA
  • Jialiang ZOU
  • José Ibrahim Villanueva Gutiérrez
  • Kathelijne Smits
  • Laura Jakobsson
  • Luca Barbieri Viale
  • Luca Giovenzana
  • Marco Galvagni
  • Marco Garuti
  • Marta Lucchini
  • Marta Maggioni
  • Martin Bright
  • Massimo Bertolini
  • Matija Tapuskovic
  • Mattia Zambolin
  • Mauro Porta
  • Michele Fornea
  • Michele Serra
  • Mima Stanojkovski
  • Mohamed Taoufiq Damir
  • Nicola di Pietro
  • Niko Naumann
  • Olga Balkanova
  • Peter Stevenhagen
  • Pietro Gatti
  • Raffaele Marco Carbone
  • Raffaella Anna Maria Saurgnani
  • Raymond van Bommel
  • Riccardo Ferrario
  • Roberto Gualdi
  • Robin de Jong
  • Roisin Dempsey Braddell
  • Rosa Winter
  • Sara Checcoli
  • Sergio Zarabara
  • Sonia SORRE
  • Stefano Marseglia
  • Stefano Morra
  • Stefano Nicotra
  • Varuni Mehrotra
  • Verena Heuking
  • Yan Zhao
    • Arrival of participants Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux - Room 385 (Talence Campus)

      Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux - Room 385

      Talence Campus

    • Consortium meeting Institut de Mathématique de Bordeaux - Room 385 (Talence Campus)

      Institut de Mathématique de Bordeaux - Room 385

      Talence Campus

    • Lunch break Hall Building A33 (Talence Campus)

      Hall Building A33

      Talence Campus

    • 2014-2016 ALGANT ERASMUS MUNDUS Students dissertation defense: Part 1 Institut de Matématiques de Bordeaux - Salle des Conférences (Talence Campus)

      Institut de Matématiques de Bordeaux - Salle des Conférences

      Talence Campus

    • Dinner Invited partners informed (Bordeaux)

      Invited partners informed


    • 2014-2016 ALGANT ERASMUS MUNDUS Students dissertation defense: Part 2 Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux- Salle des conférences (Talence Campus)

      Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux- Salle des conférences

      Talence Campus

    • Lunch break Hall Building A33

      Hall Building A33

      Université de Bordeaux

    • 2014-2016 ALGANT ERASMUS MUNDUS Students dissertation defense: Part 3 Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux - Salle des conférences (Talence Campus)

      Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux - Salle des conférences

      Talence Campus

    • Dinner Free dinner (Bordeaux)

      Free dinner


    • Arrival of participants Main Hall (Victoire Campus)

      Main Hall

      Victoire Campus

    • Official speeches Amphitéâtre GINTRAC

      Amphitéâtre GINTRAC

      Université de Bordeaux

    • Joint Degree Award ceremony Amphitéâtre GINTRAC (Victoire Campus)

      Amphitéâtre GINTRAC

      Victoire Campus

    • Lunch Cour d'honneur (Victoire Campus)

      Cour d'honneur

      Victoire Campus

    • Cultural/Social activity Meeting point: Quinconces Square (Bordeaux)

      Meeting point: Quinconces Square


    • Dinner Lège Cap-Ferret

      Lège Cap-Ferret

    • Arrival of participants: Morning coffee IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Université de Bordeaux

    • Introduction to the day IMB - Grand Amphi Math. (Talence Campus)

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Talence Campus

    • Jean-Pierre SERRE: Frobenius distributions and hyperelliptic curves IMB - Grand Amphi Math. (Talence Campus)

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Talence Campus

    • Coffee/tea break IMB - Entrance Grand Amphi Math. (Talence Campus)

      IMB - Entrance Grand Amphi Math.

      Talence Campus

    • Mauro Porta: Derived analytic geometry IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Université de Bordeaux

      I will survey the main motivations and applications of my phd thesis. I will especially focus on the non-archimedean side and sketch some steps of a program of Kontsevich and Soibelman that require the use of derived non-archimedean geometry.

    • Sara Checcoli: The explicit Mordell Conjecture for families of curves IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Université de Bordeaux

      The Mordell Conjecture, proved by Faltings, states that a curve of genus at least 2 over a number field k has only finitely many k-rational points.
      Unfortunately, the proof of this conjecture is neither explicit nor effective, in the sense that it does not provide a bound on the 'size' of the points, nor a method to find such a bound. Effective methods in this context are rare and often difficult to apply to obtain explicit results.

      In this talk I will present a joint work with F. Veneziano and E. Viada in which we prove, in particular, the explicit Mordell Conjecture for curves in $E^N$, where $E$ is an elliptic curve without CM having Mordell-Weil group of rank 1. For certain families of curves in $E\times E$, of quite general shape and increasing genus, we give a method of easy application to bound the height of their rational points. In many examples (more than 10^4) the bounds we obtain are so small that a computer search for the rational points is faisable. This last is made with PARI-GP using an algorithm by K. Belabas.

    • Lunch IMB - Administrative Hall

      IMB - Administrative Hall

      Université de Bordeaux

    • Arno Kret: The Newton stratification of Shimura varieties IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Université de Bordeaux

      Frans Oort examined various stratifications of the moduli space of principally
      polarized abelian varieties in characteristic p. It is conjectured that Newton strata exist on all Shimura varieties. In this talk I will explain various open questions regarding the Newton stratification.

    • Olga Balkanova: Moments of L-functions and applications IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Université de Bordeaux

      Problems of different nature can be phrased in terms of central L-values. Therefore, asymptotic evaluation of moments of L-functions near the critical line is an important subject in analytic number theory. In this talk we prove asymptotic formulas for the mean values of L-functions associated to the family of primitive forms and discuss several applications of these results.

    • Stefano Morra: Serre weights and Breuil's lattice conjectures in dimension three IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Université de Bordeaux

      Let F/Q be a number field where p is unramified and r : Gal(F /F ) → GL_3(Q_p ) a
      continuous Galois representation. We assume that r is automorphic for U(3) and the
      p-adic local parameters of r at p are tamely potentially crystalline, with Hodge-Tate
      weights (0,1,2).
      The local/global compatibility conjecture in the p-adic local Langlands correspon-
      dence predicts that the r-eigenspace in the integral ́etale cohomology on the adelic
      points of U(3) with infinite level at p, should only depend on the p-adic local para-
      meter associated to r, in some explicit way.
      In this talk we prove the local/global compatibility conjecture when considering a
      tame level at p, under mild technical hypotheses on the mod p-reduction of r. More
      precisely, we show that the integral structure cut out by the global ́etale cohomology
      on the tame ́etale local system giving rise to r depends only on the p-adic local
      The proof relies on the explicit construction of local Galois deformation rings in
      dimension three, the description of their special fiber in automorphic terms via the
      Breuil-M ́ezard conjecture, a new technique (which is a mixture of both global and
      local methods) to compute the mod p reduction of Z_p -lattices in tame K-types.
      This is a joint work with Dan Le, Viet-Bao Le Hung and Brandon Levin.

    • Coffee/tea break IMB - Entrance Grand Amphi Math. (Talence Campus)

      IMB - Entrance Grand Amphi Math.

      Talence Campus

    • Round Table IMB - Grand Amphi Math. (Talence Campus)

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Talence Campus

    • Aglaya Myropolska: Geometry and Probability on Groups IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Université de Bordeaux

      The Banach-Tarski paradox led von Neumann in 1929 to the definition of amenability for groups - this phenomenon later was reformulated and found applications in various subjects in mathematics such as geometric group theory, functional analysis, probability, operator algebras etc. In this talk we will discuss amenability from a group theorist' point of view with a glance on its geometric and probabilistic properties.

    • Andrii Dmytryshyn: Coupled Sylvester-type matrix equations and block diagonalization IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Université de Bordeaux

      We prove Roth-type theorems for systems of matrix equations including an arbitrary mix of Sylvester and ⋆-Sylvester equations,

      in which the transpose or conjugate transpose of the unknown matrices also appear. In full generality, we derive consistency conditions by proving that such a system has a solution if and only if the associated set of 2x2 block matrix representations of the equations are block diagonalizable by (linked) equivalence transformations. Various applications leading to several particular cases have already been investigated in the literature, some recently and some long ago. Solvability of these cases follow immediately from our general consistency theory.

      We also show how to apply our main result to systems of Stein-type matrix equations.

    • Launch of ALGANT Alumni committee and final speech IMB - Grand Amphi Math. (Talence Campus)

      IMB - Grand Amphi Math.

      Talence Campus

    • 6:30 PM
      Food time IMB - Administrative Hall

      IMB - Administrative Hall

      Université de Bordeaux