11–15 mars 2024
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Generators of Symmetric Quantum Markov Semigroups

15 mars 2024, 11:00
Amphithéâtre Schwartz (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)

Amphithéâtre Schwartz

Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse

Université Paul Sabatier 118, route de Narbonne - Bat. 1R3 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9


Melchior Wirth (IST Austria)


Several symmetry conditions have been introduced to describe the dissipative part of a quantum Markov semigroup in detailed balance, most prominently the GNS and KMS symmetry condition. I will give an overview over recent results concerning the generators of GNS-symmetric and KMS-symmetric quantum Markov semigroups on arbitrary von Neumann algebras and their connections to derivations, building on earlier work by Cipriani and Sauvageot in the tracially symmetric case. This talk is partly based on joint work with Matthijs Vernooij.

Documents de présentation

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