12 juin 2023
école polytechnique
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Slava Rychkov : Real-space renormalization of lattice models using tensor networks

12 juin 2023, 13:30
Amphi Curie (école polytechnique)

Amphi Curie

école polytechnique


Critical points of lattice models, such as the 3d Ising model, are conjectured by Kenneth Wilson in 1970’s to correspond to fixed points of renormalization group transformations. I will discuss the status of this conjecture, a novel class of renormalization group transformations using the language of tensor networks, a few results which were recently obtained using this language for the high and low-temperature phases of 2d models, and the ongoing progress towards the construction of a nontrivial 2d fixed point. Joint work with Tom Kennedy and Nikolay Ebel.

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