Jun 26 – 27, 2023
LJLL (Paris 6)
Europe/Paris timezone

On the stability of the Schrödinger equation and applications to Quantum Control

Jun 26, 2023, 2:00 PM
LJLL (Paris 6)

LJLL (Paris 6)

Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, Paris 5ème (entrée par les tours 15 et 16)


Juan Manuel Perez Padro


I will present a stability result for the non-autonomous Schrödinger equation that improves previously known results that date back to the 1970's. In particular, we have obtained a sharper bound for the estimates.
Based on these stability results I will present several applications to Quantum Control of infinite dimensional systems with possibly time-dependent domains for the operators.
This is joint work with A. Balmaseda and D. Lonigro.

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