18 mars 2024 à 26 avril 2024
Institut Henri Poincaré
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Asymptotics of Dynamical Spacetimes and Radiation

9 avr. 2024, 14:30
amphithéâtre Hermite (old building - bâtiment Borel)

amphithéâtre Hermite

old building - bâtiment Borel


Lydia Bieri (University of Michigan)


In this talk, I will discuss some results on the asymptotic behavior and radiation for a general class of spacetimes. This will include results on gravitational radiation and memory for sources that are not stationary outside of a compact set, but whose gravitational fields decay more slowly towards infinity. We will also show that angular momentum at future null infinity is well defined for asymptotically-flat spacetimes with a term homogeneous of degree -1 in the initial data metric, that is it may include a non-isotropic mass term. Finally, we will also discuss peeling (that is, how peeling stops) for the Weyl curvature components at future null infinity for these spacetimes.

Documents de présentation