18 mars 2024 à 26 avril 2024
Institut Henri Poincaré
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Sheaves for spacetime

27 mars 2024, 11:00
amphithéâtre Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat (new building (bâtiment Perrin))

amphithéâtre Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat

new building (bâtiment Perrin)


Pierre Schapira (Univ Paris 6)


We shall study the Cauchy problem on globally hyperbolic manifolds with the only tools of microlocal sheaf theory and the precise Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem.

A causal manifold is a manifold $M$ endowed with a closed convex proper cone $\lambda\subset T^*M$. On such a manifold, one defines the $\lambda$-topology and the associated notions of a causal pre-order and a causal path. One introduces the notion of a G-causal manifold, those for which there exists a time function. On a G-manifold, sheaves satisfying a suitable condition on their micro-support and defined on a neigborhood of a Cauchy hypersurface extend to the whole space. When the sheaf is the complex of hyperfunction solutions of a hyperbolic $\mathcal{D}$-module, this proves that the Cauchy problem is globally well-posed.

We will also describe a "shifted spacetime" associated with the quantization of an Hamiltonian isotopy.

This talk is partly based on papers in collaboration with Benoît Jubin, Stéphane Guillermou and Masaki Kashiwara.

Documents de présentation