Random matrices, free probability and determinantal processes


This three-day conference will cover various aspects of the very active field of random matrix theory, including a special emphasis on determinantal point processes, which appear in many problems related to RMT, among other things.

One of the main goals is to bring together people interested in theoretical as well as applied and numerical aspects of determinantal point processes and random matrix models.

The workshop consists in three mini-courses of 2h30 each and more specialized talks (45 min including questions) as well.



Kurt Johansson (KTH, Stockholm)
Determinantal point processes  

Neil O'Connell (University of Warwick)
From longest increasing subsequences to random polymers, and related topics 

Jesper Møller (Aalborg University)
Statistics for determinantal point processes 


Florent Benaych-Georges (Université Paris Descartes)
Kernel spectral clustering of large dimensional data [slides]

Folkmar Bornemann (TU München)
Singular values and evenness symmetry: on making Pfaffian processes determinantal 

Alexander Bufetov (Aix-Marseille Université)
Quasi-Symmetries of Determinantal Point Processes 

Mireille Capitaine (Université de Toulouse)
Outliers for Hermitian polynomials in unitarily invariant random matrices and a spiked deterministic matrix 

Djalil Chafaï (Université Paris Dauphine)
About the spectral edges 

Laurent Decreusefond (Télécom ParisTech)
Distances between determinantal processes

Alice Guionnet (ENS Lyon)
Discrete Beta-models 

Arno Kuijlaars (KU Leuven)
Propagation of singular behavior in UE and GUE sums

Alex Kulesza (University of Michigan) [slides]
Machine learning with determinantal point processes 

Sandrine Péché (Université Paris Diderot)
Universal and non universal features in RMT


The final schedule is available here and the detailed scientific program here

Practical informations:

The conference will take place at Université Lille 1, on the campus Cité Scientifique, in Villeneuve d'Ascq. For further information on how to reach the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, see this link.

The talks will take place in the Amphi 13 in the building SUP/SUAIO.

The coffee breaks will take place in the Salle Cartan in the building M1.

These two buildings are nearby and five minutes walking from the metro station Cité Scientifique. On this map of the campus, these two buildings are circled in black. To reach them, just follow the metro line to reach LILLIAD, a large round buiding, and then turn right at the avenue Carl Gauss. M1 is the first building on your left (with a big antenna on top) and SUP/SUAIO a bit further on your right.


As for lunch, there are several options on campus, marked by a black cross on this map:
- next to the building SUP/SUAIO, you can find sandwiches both at the Maison des Etudiants (MDE) and Espace Culture (beware that they have a limited quantity of sandwiches).
- next to the metro station 4 Cantons, you can find the university cafeteria Sully (10 min walk)
- following Avenue Paul Langevin and then the passerelle, you can reach the Grand Stade (stade Pierre Mauroy), where you can find several options for your lunch (10 min walk)

Near the campus, you can also take the metro and drop out two stations down at the metro station Villeneuve d'Asq - Hôtel de ville. There, there is a mall where you have many places for lunch (10 to 15 min using metro).


The dinner of the conference will take place on Tuesday evening, at the restaurant Le Compostelle, in the center of Lille (4, rue Saint-Etienne). We will meet there at 19:30. The nearest metro station is Rihour.


Organizers :

Adrien Hardy (Université Lille 1)
Mylène Maïda (Université Lille 1)

Sponsors :








  • Adrien Hardy
  • Alain Rouault
  • Alex Kulesza
  • Alexander BUFETOV
  • Alexander Giles
  • Alfredo Deaño
  • Alice Guionnet
  • Antoine Dahlqvist
  • Antoine Doeraene
  • Antti Knowles
  • Arnaud Poinas
  • Arno Kuijlaars
  • Attia Mohamed Jalel
  • Aurélien GRABSCH
  • Avital Frumkin
  • Azzouz Dermoune
  • Benjamin Fahs
  • Benjamin GROUX
  • Benjamin Guedj
  • Camille Male
  • Catherine Donati-Martin
  • Ching Wei Ho
  • Dan Betea
  • David Coupier
  • David García Zelada
  • David Sabonis
  • Delphine Thomasson
  • Diala wehbe
  • Djalil Chafai
  • Dries Stivigny
  • Emilie Kaufmann
  • Fakhr eddine Boukhari
  • Fanny Augeri
  • Florent Benaych-Georges
  • Folkmar Bornemann
  • Franck MAUNOURY
  • Francois Chapon
  • Guillaume Cébron
  • Guillaume Dubach
  • Gwénaëlle CASTELLAN
  • Hervé Queffelec
  • Jamal Najim
  • Jean-François Coeurjolly
  • Jesper Møller
  • John Klein
  • Kurt Johansson
  • Laurent Decreusefond
  • Leslie Molag
  • Manon Defosseux
  • Manuela Girotti
  • Marco Stevens
  • Martin Vogel
  • Marwa Banna
  • Matthieu Wilhelm
  • Maxime FEVRIER
  • Miguel Angel Pluma Rodriguez
  • Min Wang
  • Mireille Capitaine
  • Mylene MAIDA
  • Neil O'Connell
  • Nicolas Wicker
  • Pavel Nikitin
  • Pedro Luis Barrios Pantoja
  • Peter Nejjar
  • Philippe Preux
  • Pierre CHAINAIS
  • Radu Stoica
  • Raphael Butez
  • Rostyslav Kozhan
  • Rémi Bardenet
  • Sandrine Dallaporta
  • Sandrine Péché
  • Serge Iovleff
  • Sheng Yin
  • Shuaixia XU
  • Thomas Simon
  • TIAN Peng
  • Tom Claeys
  • Valentin Bahier
  • Van Ha Hoang
  • Viet Anh Nguyen
  • Yanqi Qiu
  • Youri Davydov
  • Yuriy Nemish
  • Édouard Maurel-Segala
  • lundi 2 mai
    • 10:15 10:45
      Accueil des participants 30m
    • 11:30 12:45
      Mini-cours: Séance 1
    • 14:45 15:30
      Exposés: Talk 1
    • 15:30 15:45
      Pause café 15m
    • 15:45 16:30
      Exposés: Talk 2
    • 16:30 16:45
      Pause café 15m
    • 16:45 18:00
      Mini-cours: Séance 2
    • 18:00 18:15
      Pause café 15m
    • 18:15 19:00
      Exposés: Talk 10