15–17 mars 2023
Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, campus de la Doua.
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Compressible flows with anisotropic diffusion in stationary regime

15 mars 2023, 16:50
Salle 112 (Bâtiment Braconnier)

Salle 112

Bâtiment Braconnier


Cosmin BURTEA (IMJ-PRG, Université Paris-Cité)


The first result concerning the problem of the existence of weak solutions "à la Leray'", in dimensions 2 or 3, for the stationary Navier-Stokes system governing the flow of compressible, viscous fluids was obtained in 1998 by P-L. Lions under the hypothesis of isotropic diffusion at constant shear and volume viscosities.
In this talk I will present a new proof of this result, witch will allow us to consider in the equation of momentum a diffusion operator that can be anisotropic or non-local. This is a physically relevant situation, for example for mixtures, which was outside the framework of the theory developed by Lions. This is joint work with Didier Bresch.

Documents de présentation

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