15–17 mars 2023
Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, campus de la Doua.
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Hard congestion limit of the $p$-system in the BV setting

15 mars 2023, 16:00
Salle 112 (Bâtiment Braconnier)

Salle 112

Bâtiment Braconnier


Charlotte PERRIN (I2M, Aix-Marseille Université)


In this talk, I will present a justi cation of the transition from a compressible (inviscid) system with singular pressure, modeling short range repulsive forces, towards a mixed compressible-incompressible system modeling partially congested dynamics. These systems may be used for the modeling of mixtures, of collective motions or partially free surface flows where a maximal constraint on the density or the height of the flow has to be taken into account. From the mathematical standpoint, I will develop an analysis for small perturbations of a reference profi le in the framework of BV solutions. This is a joint work with Fabio Ancona (Universit`a di Padova) and Roberta Bianchini (CNR, Roma).

Documents de présentation

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