5–9 juin 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Tight Best-Lipschitz Maps from Surfaces to Surfaces

Non programmé
Amphis Laurent Schwartz (Toulouse)

Amphis Laurent Schwartz



Prof. Karen Uhlenbeck (IAS)


In honor of the contributions of Frederic Helein to analysis, I pose several new problems rather than present solutions. George Daskalopoulos and I have been studying best Lipschitz maps from surfaces to surfaces. While this is motivated by Thurston’s distance function in Teichmuller space, it has connections with older ideas. I will give a bit of the history about Lipschitz extensions, define the notion of tight, remind the listeners about infinity harmonic functions, and describe our approximation scheme for infinity harmonic mappings. The goal is to motivate several interesting new and I believe hard questions in analysis.

Auteur principal

Prof. Karen Uhlenbeck (IAS)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.