30 novembre 2015 à 2 décembre 2015
Angers - France
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Inversion, duality and h-processes of self-similar Markov processes

30 nov. 2015, 17:00
Angers - France

Angers - France


Prof. Loïc Chaumont (Université d'Angers)


We show that any Rd-valued self-similar Markov process X with index α>0 absorbed at 0, can be represented as a path transformation of some Markov additive process (MAP) (θ,ξ) in Sd1×R. This result extends the well known Lamperti transformation. Then we prove that the same transformation of the dual MAP in the weak sense of (θ,ξ) is itself in weak duality with X, with respect to the measure π(x/x)xαddx, if and only if (θ,ξ) is reversible with respect to the measure π(s)ds, where ds is the Lebesgue measure on Sd1. Besides, the dual process X^ has the same law as the inversion (Xγt/Xγt2,t0) of X, where γt is the inverse of t0tXs2αds. As an application, we prove that in some instances, the Kelvin transform of X can be obtained as an h-transform of some functional of X. This is a joint work with Larbi Alili, Piotr Graczyk and Tomasz Zak.       

Auteur principal

Prof. Loïc Chaumont (Université d'Angers)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.