12–16 juin 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Conference in the framework of the ANR COSY

Informations pratiques


Arriving in Albi

The easiest way to get to Albi is by train from Toulouse. Get off at the station "Albi-Ville"; the university is 400m from the station.


Conference room

Talks will take place in Amphitheatre "Olympe de Gouges" ALBJJ016  located on the ground floor of the building on your right when you enter from place de Verdun. The building is named "Jean Jaurès"; it correspond to building 02 in the map below. Coffee breaks will be in room ALBJJ030 same building, same floor.



There will be 2h30 break every day (except Friday) and there are plenty of options outside the campus. Do not hesitate to book a table in advance as restaurants are often full on lunch time.


Conference Dinner

The conference dinner shall take place on Thursday evening at the restaurant La Part Des Anges. Please let me know on Monday 12 whether you would like a vegetarian menu or the regular menu.


Wednesday afternoon

There are no talks on Wednesday afternoon. A visit of the town is planned from 15h30 to 17h30 followed by a reception (cocktail) by Albi's mayor at the town hall at 18h.


Getting around in Albi

Albi's center is relatively small so walking or biking is my everyday option. You can rent a bike for the week at https://locc-bike.com/. There are also free shuttles downtown: https://www.mairie-albi.fr/fr/2-navettes-electriques-gratuites-en-centre-ville.