12–16 juin 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Conference in the framework of the ANR COSY

Interlevel persistence in Floer theory

12 juin 2023, 09:30


Institut National Universitaire Champollion, Place de Verdun


Michael Usher


The usual filtered Floer homology groups are formal analogues of the homologies of the sublevel sets of a Morse function on a manifold. In the Morse setting,
by instead considering interlevel sets (preimages of general intervals) one obtains an algebraic structure that is classified by a barcode that refines the usual
sublevel persistence barcode. I will describe an algebraic formalism that allows one to adapt this to Floer-theoretic settings. In this case of Hamiltonian Floer
theory this gives rise to a pairing between distinguished spectral invariants of a Hamiltonian flow and of its inverse that satisfies stability and duality theorems.

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