Dec 13 – 14, 2022
Nancy IECL
Europe/Paris timezone


The meeting will take place at  "l'Université de Lorraine", NANCY.


The talks will be given either in the FST Building "Faculté de sciences et technoligie" AMPHI 5 or in the IECL building (Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine), in the main conference room at 2dn floor. 


You can find the building on the map here: (you can also find IECL it by writting "IECL NANCY" in google maps and the FST building is just in front).


On tuesdaty morning and wednesday afternoon we will in the the AMPHI 5 in the science building, just in front the IECL building. The science building is easy to find as written "AMPHI 8" on it. Just do inside and follow the signs up to "AMPHI 5".



How to get to the university from the train station: Take the TRAM line T1 direction "CHU Brabois". Get Off at the stop "Velodrome". Then walk a bit in the direction of the Mac Donald's, pass behind and continue walking along the road that goes "up". You will soonly enter in the campus on your right and see a building with "Faculté de Sciences" written on it, and "Amphitheatre 8". The The IECL is another building on the right whereas the science building is the one with "Amphitheatre 8" written on it.