9–10 juin 2016
Ecole Centrale Lille
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Big Data, myths & opportunities for the consumer finance industry

9 juin 2016, 16:50
Grand Amphithéâtre (Ecole Centrale Lille)

Grand Amphithéâtre

Ecole Centrale Lille

Campus Lille 1 à Villeneuve d'Ascq


Iuri Paixao (BNP Paribas) Khalid Saad-Zaghloul (BNP Paribas)


The digital edge, which offers access to a wide variety of structured and non structured data, in a large volumes, is transforming the consumer finance industry. BNP Paribas Personal Finance, European leader of the industry and introducer of scoring techniques in Europe, is engaged in this transformation. The presentation will start with a vision of the digital transformation of our processes, how the data management (in the sense of treatment, modelling and operational use) is the strategic lever, how the alliance between technology and analytics can sustain better the business development. Behind the buzz, the presentation will focus on business opportunities, offered by Big Data techniques, for the consumer finance industry.

Documents de présentation