Jul 4 – 8, 2022
Europe/Paris timezone

The workshop will be held in Centre Paul Langevin in Aussois. We will try to cover the lodging expenses for all participants and the travel for the speakers. Registration is compulsory. Unregistered participants can not be accepted (please also note that the number of participants is limited to 50).

We could not refund travels for participants except the speakers.

Notice that the conference is full.

There will be three mini-courses:

1) Patrick Popescu Pampu: introduction to log geometry

2) Calum Spicer: Minimal model program

3)  Enrica Mazzon: non archimedian link

In the afternoon, there will be talks mostly done by young people.

Invited speakers:

Paolo Aceto (Lille)
Patricio Almiron (Madrid)
François Bernard (Angers)
Arthur Forey (EPFL)
Eva Elduque (Madrid)
Mirko Mauri (Michigan)
Pablo Portilla (Lille)
Miruna-Stefana Sorea (SISSA)



Notice that the center will open on Sunday evening and close on Friday night. It is not possible to stay on Friday night.

How to get to the center (https://www.caes.cnrs.fr/sejours/centre-paul-langevin-3-2/)

The best way is to reach Modane by Train.

From the Train Station in Modane, at 8 km of the center, one can take a bus (autocars Transdev) to Aussois: www.altibus.com. Nevertheless, we will do our best to organize the transportation of everyone from Modane to Aussois (and back), by taxi.

Scientific comitee:

  • André Belotto
  • Jean-Baptiste Campesato
  • Raf Cluckers
  • Anne Pichon
  • Guillaume Rond
Application for this event is currently open.
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