Séminaire de géométrie algébrique

Sofia Tarricone (Leuven): Cluster algebras and monodromy manifolds of ''irregular type''

001 (batiment I)


batiment I

Département de mathématiques Bâtiment I Faculté des Sciences 2 Boulevard Lavoisier F-49045 Angers cedex 01 France

In this talk we discuss the appearance of cluster algebras 
structures in a new example of symplectic/Poisson manifold: the Stokes manifold, namely the  monodromy manifold associated to a linear system of ODEs in the complex plane with polynomial coefficient of generic degree (i.e. having only one irregular singularity). This is obtained from the construction of log-canonical coordinates for the classical Flaschka-Newell Poisson structure, first defined there by these authors in the ‘80 while studying the inverse monodromy map. Based on the joint work with Marco Bertola arXiv:2104.13784.