3:00 PM
Second-order cone programming for rolling friction contact mechanics with high accuracy computation
Hoang Minh NGUYEN
(INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes)
3:00 PM
Comparaisons des taux de convergence des algorithmes proximaux pour l'optimisation convexe non lisse. Application en traitement du signal et des images.
Nelly Pustelnik
(Univ. Lyon, Ens de Lyon, Univ. Lyon 1, CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique, Lyon, 69342, France et ISPGroup/ICTEAM, UCLouvain, Belgique)
3:00 PM
No self-concordant barrier interior point method is strongly polynomial
Nicolas Vandame
(Ecole polytechnique and INRIA)
3:00 PM
Exploration Noise for Learning Linear-Quadratic Mean Field Games
Athanasios Vasileiadis
3:00 PM
A Lagrange-Galerkin method for a class of continuity equations and applications to first order mean field games
Ahmad Zorkot
3:00 PM
PROX-QP: Yet another Quadratic Programming Solver for Robotics and beyond.
Antoine Bambade
3:00 PM
Hybrid maximum principle with regional switching parameter
Anas Bouali
(Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Avignon)
3:00 PM
Jeux à champs moyen variationnels déterministes avec sauts
Annette Dumas
3:00 PM
Planning the production and energy supply minimizing the costs of a factory.
Zoé Fornier
3:00 PM
Parametric complexity analysis for a class of first-order Adagrad-like algorithms
3:00 PM
Interior point methods for solving Pareto eigenvalue complementarity problems
Manh Hung Le
(Laboratoire XLIM, Université de Limoges, France)
3:00 PM
From Hardness to Efficiency in Structured Sparse Matrix Factorization
(Univ Lyon, EnsL, UCBL, CNRS, Inria, LIP, F-69342, LYON Cedex 07, France)