Hélène Esnault
(Freie Universität Berlin)
10/24/22, 2:00 PM
We’ll review some properties of rigid local systems, what we know and what we expect. Based on joint work with Michael Groechening (and for one point with Johan de Jong).
Hiroyasu Miyazaki
(NTT Institute for Fundamental Mathematics (NTT-IFM))
10/24/22, 3:20 PM
The theory of motives with modulus was introduced as a generalization of Voevodsky's theory of motives. This generalization aims to get a motivic picture of non-A^1-homotopy invariant phenomena, which cannot be captured by Voevodsky's theory. In this talk, I will briefly review the basics of the theory, and explain the construction of Hodge realization of motives with modulus, based on the...