Oct 24 – 28, 2022
Louvre Lens Vallée
Europe/Paris timezone
À l'occasion du 64ème anniversaire de Bruno Kahn

Nearby motivic sheaves of weighted equivariant functions

Oct 25, 2022, 2:30 PM
Louvre Lens Vallée

Louvre Lens Vallée

84 Rue Paul Bert, 62300 Lens


Florian Ivorra (Université de Rennes 1)


Let X be a smooth algebraic variety (over a field of characteristic zero) endowed with a multiplicative action of the affine line. In a recent work with Julien Sebag we show that the nearby motivic sheaf functor of a weighted equivariant function on X commutes with direct images for twists (by some Thom equivalence) of constant motives. In this talk, I will sketch the proof of this result and provide some motivation. In particular I will explain how our result provides a generalized functorial version within the stable homotopy category of schemes of conjectures by Behrend-Bryan-Szendrői and Davison-Meinhardt motivated by Donaldson-Thomas theory and originally formulated as an equality between virtual motives.

Presentation materials