September 11, 2014
Couvent des Minimes
Europe/Paris timezone

Estimating the Division Kernel of a Size-Structured Population

Sep 11, 2014, 3:05 PM
Couvent des Minimes

Couvent des Minimes

17 quai du Wault 59000 LilleFrance


Van Ha Hoang (Laboratory Paul Painleve)


(Joint work with Viet Chi Tran, Vincent Rivoirard and Thanh Mai Pham Ngoc) We consider a size-structured population which represents the cell division. We describe the population by an empirical measure and study the asymptotic behaviour of the measure. Then, we obtain a weak solution of a growth-fragmentation equation in the large popula- tion limit. Finally, we address the problem of estimating the division kernel (or fragmentation kernel) in both case of complete data and case of the stationary distribution approximation. Keywords: size-structured population, growth-fragmentation equation, division kernel.

Primary author

Van Ha Hoang (Laboratory Paul Painleve)

Presentation materials