19–28 juin 2019
Université de Bordeaux, building A33
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Ryotaro SAKAMOTO. An application of the theory of higher rank Euler, Kolyvagin, and Stark systems.

27 juin 2019, 16:00
GAM (building A33)


building A33


Abstract: Recently, we established the theory of higher rank Euler, Kolyvagin, and Stark systems when a coefficient ring is Gorenstein. In this talk, I will discuss two applications of this theory.First, I will discuss equivariant BSD conjecture. Second, I will outline the construction of a higher rank Euler system for \mathbb{G}_{m} over a totally real field and explain that all higher Fitting ideals of a certain p-ramified Iwasawa module are described by analytic invariants canonically associated with Stickelberger elements.The first part is joint work with David Burns and Takamichi Sano.

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