Séminaire MACS (Modélisation, Analyse et Calcul Scientifique).

Two-level domain decomposition preconditioners for the time-harmonic Maxwell equations

par Marcella Bonazzoli (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, UPMC, Sorbonne Université)

Salle 435 (UMPA/ENS de Lyon)

Salle 435

UMPA/ENS de Lyon

The construction of efficient iterative solvers for the time-harmonic 
Maxwell equations at high-frequency is a challenging problem. Some of 
the difficulties that arise are similar to those encountered in the case 
of the Helmholtz equation. Here we investigate how two-level domain 
decomposition preconditioners recently proposed for the Helmholtz 
equation work in the Maxwell case, both from the theoretical and 
numerical points of view.

We develop a new theory for the time-harmonic Maxwell equations with 
absorption, which physically corresponds to the case of dissipative 
materials with non zero conductivity. This theory provides rates of 
convergence for GMRES with a two-level overlapping Additive Schwarz (AS) 
preconditioner, explicit in the wavenumber, the absorption, the 
coarse-grid diameter, the subdomain diameter and the overlap size.
In particular, if the absorption is large enough, and if the subdomain 
and coarse mesh diameters are chosen appropriately, GMRES preconditioned 
with the two-level domain decomposition preconditioner converges in a 
wavenumber-independent number of iterations.

Extensive large scale numerical experiments are carried out not only in 
the setting covered by the theory, but also for the time-harmonic 
Maxwell equations without absorption, and with more efficient two-level 
preconditioners, considering for instance impedance transmission 
conditions at interfaces between subdomains.
The numerical results include an example arising from microwave medical 
imaging for the detection of  brain strokes, which shows the robustness 
of the preconditioner against heterogeneity.