Oct 18 – 19, 2018
Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Reims
Europe/Paris timezone

Reduction of symplectic symmetric spaces and étale affine representations

Oct 19, 2018, 10:30 AM
Amphi 2 (UFR Sciences)

Amphi 2

UFR Sciences



Yannick Voglaire (Université du Luxembourg)


We introduce a notion of symplectic reduction for symplectic symmetric spaces as a means to the study of their structure theory. We show that any such space can be written as a direct product of a semisimple and a completely symplectically reducible one. Underlying symplectic reduction is a notion of so-called pre-Lie triple system. We will explain how these are related to étale affine representations of Lie triple systems, how any symplectic symmetric space and any Jordan triple system yield such a structure, and how they allow to build new from old (symplectic) symmetric spaces.

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