Séminaire Combinatoire et Théorie des Nombres ICJ

p-adic unit-root formulas and Dwork cohomology

par Masha Vlasenko (Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences)

Bât. Braconnier, salle Fokko du Cloux (ICJ, Université Lyon 1)

Bât. Braconnier, salle Fokko du Cloux

ICJ, Université Lyon 1

We give a generalization of the Dwork congruences for a Laurent polynomial with one internal integral point in the Newton polytope to the case of arbitrary Laurent polynomial. Next, we consider crystals attached to a Laurent polynomial and draw a relation between our congruences and p-adic approximation to the Frobenius operator and the Gauss--Manin connection on it. This is work in progress jointly with Frits Beukers.