Transdisciplinary is nowadays a fundamental tool in sciences, in which mathematics plays often an important role: mathematical physics, biomathematics, financial mathematics... are just as many fields where mathematics at the same time brings technicalities and benefits of strong sources of inspiration.
In the last decades appeared important example of strong interactions between different domains of mathematics, each of them providing a kind of "savoir faire" very useful for solving problems appearing as very difficult inside their own discipline. An emblematic such a dynamics, among many others, was the elaboration on the proof of the Poincaré conjecture by partial differential equations methods.
The 2024 edition of Arpilysm "From mathematics to mathematics" will include three courses each of them involving a general description of a precise domain followed by applications to two very different domains of mathematics:
- On the notion of integrability and applications in algebra and dynamical systems, by Michela and Claudio Procesi
- Hopf algebras and applications to combinatorics and dynamical systems, by Claudia Malvenuto and Frédéric Patras
- Analysis on phase space and applications to signal analysis and low dimension topology, by Stéphane Jaffard and Thierry Paul.
Numerous talks by participants will also take place during the week, in particular the mini-session
- Harmonic analysis and applications to functional, classical and numerical analysis, by Silvia Bertoluzza, Andreas Debrouwere, and Jasson Vindas Diaz.
These intramathematical journeys will be presented in a manner to be understandable to all people attending the school.
Please contact Thierry Paul for registration
Thierry Paul (CNRS-LYSM) with the help of Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta orgs.