Nov 25 – 27, 2024
sala conferenze INdAM
Europe/Paris timezone

Different interplays between different fields of Mathematics and different domains of Social Sciences


The need for quantitative predictions in Social Sciences has very much increased in the last decades. In this development, mathematics plays a special role by bringing to a field generally considered as included in "humanities" a new paradigm of rigor and precision.

Conversely, social sciences have long continued to provide mathematicians with a fruitful and inexhaustible source of inspiration. From the study/observation of various collective movements (for example, vehicular or pedestrian flow) to the problem of cultural heritage, important sections of new mathematics have emerged.

This short  conference aims to update a number of reciprocal links between Social Sciences and Mathematics around four emblematic themes of this relationship: the dynamics of opinions (and economy,  and networks), traffic, sociology and cultural heritage.

Marta Menci (Campus biomedico), Gabriella Puppo (Sapienza), Thierry Paul (LYSM), Orgs.

Preliminary list of speakers:

Elisa Calzola (Università degli studi di Verona)

Gaetano Fusco (Sapienza)

Paola Goatin (INRIA, Université Côte d'Azur)

Francesco dell Isola  (Memocs L'Aquila) 

Elisa Iacomini (Università degli studi di Ferrara)

Elia Onofri (IAC-CNR)

Lorenzo Pareschi (Università degli studi di Ferrara)

Giulia Poce (Euronext)

Yvain Quéau  (CNRS- Caen)

Walter Quattrociocchi (Sapienza) 

Matteo Semplice (Università degli studi dell´Insubria)

Antoine Tordeaux (Wuppertal)

Davide Vergni  (IAC)

Giuseppe Visconti (Sapienza)









IMPORTANT WARNING: due to a limited number of seats in the aula, the registration is mandatory (but free).

sala conferenze INdAM
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 Roma Italia
Registration for this event is currently open.