Given a compact hyperbolic surface together with a suitable choice of orthonormal basis of Laplace eigenforms, one can consider two natural spectral invariants: 1) the Laplace spectrum $\Lambda$, and 2) the 3-tensor Cijk representing pointwise multiplication (as a densely defined map L2 x L2 $\to$ L2) in the given basis. Which pairs ($\Lambda$,C) arise this way? Both $\Lambda$ and C are highly transcendental objects. Nevertheless, we will give a concrete and almost completely algebraic answer to this question, by writing down necessary and sufficient conditions in the form of equations satisfied by the Laplace eigenvalues and the Cijk. This answer was suggested by physicists Kravchuk, Mazac, and Pal, who introduced these equations (in an equivalent form) as a rigorous model for the crossing equations in conformal field theory.
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Maxim Kontsevich