29 mai 2017 à 2 juin 2017
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Lefschetz trace formulas for flows on foliated manifolds

30 mai 2017, 14:00
Amphi Schwartz IMT building 1R3 (TOULOUSE)

Amphi Schwartz IMT building 1R3


Paul Sabatier University


M. Yuri Kordyukov


In this talk, we will discuss Lefschetz trace formulas for foliated flows on compact manifolds equipped with a codimension one foliation. Our main motivation comes from Deninger's approach to the study of arithmetic zeta-functions. First, we will recall such a formula, due to Alvarez Lopez and the speaker, in the case when the flow has no fixed points and its orbits are everywhere tranverse to the leaves of the foliation. Then we will consider the case when the flow may have fixed points and describe an approach to Lefschetz trace formulas based on pseudodifferential b-calculus developed by Melrose. We will report on the recent progress in this direction. This is joint work with Jesus Alvarez Lopez and Eric Leichtnam.

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