GT Math-Bio Sud-Est

Mutualism at the leading edge: Insights into the eco-evolutionary dynamics of host-symbiont communities during range expansion

par Jimmy Garnier (LAMA, CNRS, Université Savoie Mont Blanc)

Salle 125, bâtiment Braconnier (Doua, Villeurbanne)

Salle 125, bâtiment Braconnier

Doua, Villeurbanne

The evolution of mutualism between host and symbiont communities plays an essential role in maintaining ecosystem function and should therefore have a profound effect on their range expansion dynamics. In particular, the presence of mutualistic symbionts at the leading edge of a host-symbiont community should enhance its propagation in space. I will present a theoretical framework that captures the eco-evolutionary dynamics of host-symbiont communities, and allow us to investigate how the evolution of resource exchange may shape community structure during range expansion.

The evolution of mutualism between host and symbiont communities plays an essential role in maintaining ecosystem function and should therefore have a profound effect on their range expansion dynamics. In particular, the presence of mutualistic symbionts at the leading edge of a host-symbiont community should enhance its propagation in space. I will present a theoretical framework that captures the eco-evolutionary dynamics of host-symbiont communities, and allow us to investigate how the evolution of resource exchange may shape community structure during range expansion.