The goal of this conference is to advance the dialogue and interactions between the LLM community and the larger world of mathematics in order to further the mathematical understanding of LLMs and contribute to solving some of the outstanding problems in the new field of LLMs.
In particular we intend to investigate mathematical structures that can be used to understand LLMs in terms of what they implicitly learn and how.
At the same time, in the opposite direction the use of LLMs in order to do mathematics will be investigated.
Registration is free and open until May 16, 2024.
Invited speakers:
François Charton (Meta AI Research)
Andrew Dudzik (Google DeepMind)
Amaury Hayat (École des Ponts ParisTech & CERMICS)
Julia Kempe (NYU Center for Data Science & CIMS)
Gabriel Synnaeve (Meta AI Research)
Yiannis Vlassopoulos (Athena Research Center & IHES)
François Charton (Meta AI Research), Michael Douglas (Harvard University & IHES) & Yiannis Vlassopoulos (Athena Research Center & IHES)