Jan 22 – 24, 2025
Europe/Paris timezone

Displacement memory for flyby

Jan 22, 2025, 9:40 AM
Amphi E040, building E1, ground floor (Tours)

Amphi E040, building E1, ground floor


Institut Denis Poisson Université de Tours Facultés des Sciences et Techniques Parc de Grandmont 37200 Tours FRANCE


Prof. Peter Horvathy (Institut Denis Poisson)


Zel'dovich and Polnarev, in their seminal paper on the displacement memory effect [1], suggested that particles hit by a burst of gravitational waves generated by flyby would be merely displaced. Their prediction is confirmed by fine-tuning the wave profile, which is the derivative of a Gaussian proposed by Gibbons and Hawking [2], or of its approximation by a P\"oschl-Teller potential. The latter admits that analytic solutions are consistent with numerical investigations. The study is extended to higher-order derivative profiles as proposed, e.g., for gravitational collapse, etc.
(in collaboration with P.-M. Zhang and Q.-L. Zhao)

Primary author

Prof. Peter Horvathy (Institut Denis Poisson)

Presentation materials