Jan 22 – 24, 2025
Tours, France
Europe/Paris timezone

The poor people's Quantum gravity: hydrodynamics with fluctuations

Jan 24, 2025, 4:45 PM
Amphi E040, building E1, ground floor (Tours, France)

Amphi E040, building E1, ground floor

Tours, France

Institut Denis Poisson Université de Tours Facultés des Sciences et Techniques Parc de Grandmont 37200 Tours FRANCE
Plenary Talk


Giorgio Torrieri (University of Campinas)


Ideal hydrodynamics, as a generally covariant theory, can
be considered as a simplified version of general relativity. We will
show that this general covariance is intimately related to statistical
mechanics underlying local thermalization. We will then describe the
problem of including statistical fluctuations in relativistic
non-ideal hydrodynamics, a still open issue connected to the still mysterious onset of thermalization in small systems. We will show that most approaches to this so far break general covariance, and outline a way to resolve this issue, based on expanding in statistical cumulants
rather than gradients, imposing fluctuation-dissipation relations and including general covariance at the outset.
We close by discussing the analogies of this problem with the one of
quantization of gravity.

Based on 2307.07021 , 2109.06389 and ongoing work

Primary author

Giorgio Torrieri (University of Campinas)

Presentation materials