In this work, we present a new result concerning the stress-energy
tensor of a quantum field theory at global thermodynamic equilibrium
in curved space-time. By using known exact results in literature
for the massless scalar free field in Minkowski, deSitter, antideSitter and
Einstein static Universe, we demonstrate that the stress-energy
tensor at equilibrium in curved space-time has the same expression,
with the same coefficients, independently of the space-time if one
requires the analyticity in the curvature tensors and the derivatives
of the Killing vector defining equilibrium, i.e. local acceleration and
vorticity. Specific corrections depending on the global properties of the
space-time are always non-analytic for zero curvature and thermal vorticity.
We conjecture that this feature is a general one which applies to any
space-time and to any local observable for a given quantum field.
We illustrate in some detail the method of analytic distillation which
makes it possible to effectively extract the analytic part of functions
expressed by complicated series.