Kenji Fukushima
(The University of Tokyo)
The talk is based on two recent works: 2409.18652 about magnetovortical matter in collaboration with Koichi Hattori and Kazuya Mameda and a forthcoming paper about Chiral EFT for the system where finite $\theta$ and magnetic field $B$ coexist, which was done in collaboration with Prabal Adhikari. In the former, we found a nontrivial interplay between the spin, the orbital angular momentum, and the magnetic field. In particular, if $B$ is strong, the orbital angular momentum overcomes the spin, contrary to our physics intuition. In the latter, we specifically studied the phase transition at $\theta=\pi$ and again, the strong $B$ would change the nature of the phase transition.
Primary author
Kenji Fukushima
(The University of Tokyo)