6–8 mars 2024
Le Bois-Marie
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Equivalence of Fluctuations Between SHE and KPZ Equation in Weak Disorder Regime

8 mars 2024, 12:00
Centre de conférences Marilyn et James Simons (Le Bois-Marie)

Centre de conférences Marilyn et James Simons

Le Bois-Marie

35, route de Chartres 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette


Prof. Shuta Nakajima (Meiji University)


The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation is a mathematical model that describes the random evolution of interfaces. The equation has become a fundamental model in non-equilibrium statistical physics. Constructing a solution to the KPZ equation in any dimension presents a significant challenge due to its inherent non-linearity. This challenge has resulted in an enduring open problem, particularly in finding solutions in two and higher dimensions. This talk will explore the intriguing connection between the stochastic heat equation (SHE) and the KPZ equation. It offers a rigorous demonstration of the equivalence of fluctuations in these systems in the weak disorder regime for three and higher dimensions. This talk is based on joint work with Stefan Junk (Gakushuin University).

Documents de présentation