19–21 juin 2024
IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Programme scientifique

Le but de ces journées est de donner une vue d'ensemble des développements scientifiques récents en statistique et de promouvoir les échanges entre étudiants diplômés, chercheurs confirmés.

  • Mini-cours

    2 x 1h30

    Claire Boyer - LPSM, Sorbonne Université - Jeudi 20/06 à 16h30 et Vendredi 21/06 à 11h
    A primer on diffusion-based generative models

    Emmanuel Rachelson - ISAE-Supaéro - Mercredi 19/06 à 11h et Jeudi 20/06 à 11h
    Introduction à l'apprentissage par renforcement

  • Exposés longs

    45 min + 15 min questions

    Nicolas Chopin - ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris - TBA
    Unbiased estimation of smooth functions, Applications in statistic and machine learning

    Maud Delattre - INRAE, Unité MaIAGE - TBA
    A new preconditioned stochastic gradient algorithm for estimation in latent variable models.

    Edith Gabriel - INRAE, Unité BioSP - TBA
    Integrated Spatial Surveillance for Risk Assessment Using Point Processes and Machine Learning: Application to Plant Health

    Sébastien Gerchinovitz - IRT St Exupéry - TBA
    Guaranteed prediction sets via concentration inequalities

    Anaïs Rouanet - ISPED, Université de Bordeaux - TBA
    Nonparametric Bayesian mixture models for identifying clusters from longitudinal and cross-sectional data

    Frédéric Richard - I2M, Université Aix-Marseille - TBA
    Inference techniques for the analysis of Brownian image textures

    Mathieu Serrurier - IRIT, Université Paul-Sabatier - TBA
    Building explainable and robust neural networks by using Lipschitz constraints and Optimal Transport

    The lack of robustness and explainability in neural networks is directly linked to the arbitrarily high Lipschitz constant of deep models. Although constraining the Lipschitz constant has been shown to improve these properties, it can make it challenging to learn with classical loss functions. In this presentation, we explain how to control this constant, and demonstrate that training such networks requires defining specific loss functions and optimization processes. To this end, we propose a loss function based on optimal transport that not only certifies robustness but also converts adversarial examples into provable counterfactual examples.


  • Exposés courts

    20 min + 10 min questions

    Marie Chion - MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge - TBA

  • Session poster


  • Pré-journée pour les étudiant.es

    20 min + 5 min questions

    Hanna Bacave - INRAE, MIAT - TBA

    Nicolas Enjalbert Courrech - IMT, CNRS - TBA
    Comparaison de méthodes d'inférence post-clustering

    Lilit Hovsepyan - Université Le Mans, Inrae Toulouse - TBA
    Fast inference in copula regression models with categorical explanatory variables using one-step procedures

    Sophia Yazzourh - IMT, Université Paul Sabatier - TBA