26–27 juin 2023
LJLL (Paris 6)
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Indirect Controllability of Two Interacting Qubits in the Presence of Dissipation: A First Analysis.

27 juin 2023, 11:00
LJLL (Paris 6)

LJLL (Paris 6)

Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, Paris 5ème (entrée par les tours 15 et 16)


Kateryna Verzhanska


We consider a bipartite open quantum system consisting of two interacting qubits, denoted by A and B, respectively. We assume that qubit A is coupled to the environment and is directly affected by coherent control, while qubit B does not interact directly with the environment and the control fields. We are interested in the 
controllability properties of subsystem B.

We provide a first analysis of the problem and give some negative answers.

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